God doesn't wait for us to be perfect to hear our prayers


How good do you have to be before God will answer your prayers? I know I'm not perfect; I have a lot of problems and know I need God's help. But I don't pray about my problems because I don't think God will hear me.


If you were out in the ocean and your boat began to sink, would you cry for help even if you weren’t sure anyone could hear you? Yes, of course you would.

And that’s what God wants us to do! He knows all about us; He knows what we’ve done wrong, and He also knows the problems and worries that keep us awake at night. And yet He doesn’t wait until we’re perfect before He’ll listen to us and hear our cries for help. One of the greatest sins we will ever commit is the sin of refusing to turn to Him in our times of need. God’s Word is clear: “Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8).

Does this mean God isn’t concerned about the sin in our lives? No, not at all. Sin creates a barrier between God and us, and when we deliberately hold on to our sins and refuse to turn from them, why should we expect God to bless us? Sin, after all, is serious — so serious that it sent Jesus to the cross.

Don’t cling to your sins any longer, but repent of them and turn to Christ for the forgiveness and cleansing you need. Then seek His wisdom for your problems. When we know Christ, we can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

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