God Can Help You Cope With Adversity


I've been going through some hard times recently, and a few weeks ago a friend urged me to turn to God and give my life to Jesus. Well, I went ahead and did this, but what happens now? Is He going to take away all my problems?


I’m thankful your friend cared enough about you to point you to Jesus, and I’m especially thankful you responded by giving your life to Him. God has now adopted you into His family, and you are His child forever!

Will God take away all your problems now that you’ve put your faith and trust in Christ? He may; He knows all about your situation, and He knows what is best for you. But even if your problems persist, He will help you by giving you the wisdom and strength you need to deal with them and not be overwhelmed. Remember, God loves you and will never abandon you.

The most important thing you can do, however, is to grow stronger in your faith. If you haven’t done so, ask God to lead you to a church where you can learn more about Christ and meet believers who can encourage you. In addition, make prayer and the Bible part of your life every day. Set aside a regular time — even if it’s only a few minutes at first — to meet with God and turn your heart and mind toward Him.

In addition, share your faith with others. You’ll not only help others going through the same struggles you have, but this will also strengthen your own faith. The Bible says, “But as for me, it is good to be near God… I will tell of all your deeds” (Psalm 73:28).

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