Give the Word of God This Christmas


I'd like to give our grandson a Bible for Christmas, but I'm not sure if he'd like it (he's only 14). His parents might resent it also, since they don't go to church. What would you suggest we do?


Can you think of anything more important than putting the Word of God into someone’s hands? Only the Bible tells us who we are and why we’re here, and only the Bible tells us how we should live. Most of all, only the Bible tells us how we can be cleansed of sin so we can be with God in Heaven forever.

This is why I encourage you to go ahead and give your grandson a Bible this Christmas. You may be surprised at his reaction; at his age he may be thinking about God, and will be eager to discover what the Bible says. But even if he doesn’t seem interested right now, he’ll still have it and may well turn to it later on. Research indicates that most people make their decision for Christ before they are 20.

What kind of Bible should you purchase? First, get a modern translation he can understand (I often use the New International Version in this column). Consider also getting a Bible that includes notes designed to help younger readers understand the Bible. Your local Christian bookstore can help you with this.

As you give it, let him know why the Bible is important to you—and why you hope it will become important to him. Above all, pray for him and his family, that the Holy Spirit will give them a desire to commit their lives to Christ. Remember God’s promise: “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” (Psalm 119:9).