Explore your doubts before they destroy your faith


Is it wrong to have doubts about God? My parents say I shouldn't question anything but just take it on faith, but I have a hard time doing that. When some of my friends ask why I believe in Jesus, they aren't convinced if I just say I have faith.


I’m sure most of us have had doubts, but the real question is what we do with them. Do we cling to them, or do we seek answers to them? In other words, do we use them as an excuse to keep away from God — or do we use them to move us closer to God?

Do you remember Thomas, who was one of Jesus’ disciples? After Christ’s resurrection, some of the other disciples told Thomas that Jesus had come back from the grave — just as He had promised. But Thomas refused to believe them, saying he would only believe in Jesus if he could see Him with his eyes and touch His body with his hands. The other disciples urged him to have faith, but for “doubting Thomas,” faith wasn’t enough.

But Thomas’s story doesn’t end there. Instead of turning his back on them, a week later Thomas joined the other disciples — and Jesus suddenly appeared in their midst. And when He did, Thomas’s doubts fell away and faith took their place. He exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).

Don’t let doubt destroy your mind and heart. Instead, look honestly at Jesus as He is found in the pages of the New Testament. When you do, you’ll begin to understand who He was and what He did. Then (like Thomas) your doubts will flee, and your faith will grow stronger on a foundation of facts — the facts of Christ’s life, death and resurrection for you.

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