Every year, our church puts on a Christmas play with the children, and it's always fun to see them dress up as shepherds and angels and wise men. But do we actually know what the Christmas angels looked like? Did they have wings and white robes?


Every year, our church puts on a Christmas play with the children, and it's always fun to see them dress up as shepherds and angels and wise men. But do we actually know what the Christmas angels looked like? Did they have wings and white robes?


The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what the Christmas angels looked like – but it does tell us that their appearance was glorious and awe-inspiring.

I’ve often tried to imagine what it would have been like to be one of those shepherds outside Bethlehem on that first Christmas night. No doubt, it started out like any other night, as they gathered their sheep together to protect them from wolves or other dangers. Why should this night be different from any other night?

But suddenly, all that changed. An angel appeared to announce the birth of the Saviour, followed by a large number of angels that must have filled the skies. The Bible says that when the angel appeared to the shepherds, “the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified” (Luke 2:9). The angel told them not to be afraid, because this was a night of good news: the Saviour had been born. So they went to Bethlehem and shared in the wonder of that momentous event.

May the wonder and excitement of those shepherds fill our hearts as well during this Christmas season. Because of Christ we can have hope – hope of a changed life right now, and hope of eternal life in God’s presence when we die. Have you given your life to Him? If not, receive the greatest Christmas gift of all into your life today – the gift of God’s Son.