Don't Hide Your Identity as a Christian on Social Media


I've met a number of people through social media on my computer, but a couple of them deleted me recently when I mentioned I was a Christian. This hurt, because I enjoy meeting people this way. Would it be wrong for me not to say anything about my faith?


Jesus never promised that everyone would like us if we became His followers. In fact, He said we shouldn’t be surprised if some people disagree with us and even reject us. Jesus warned, “‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:20).

Don’t hide your identity as a Christian. Instead, ask God to use you to touch the lives of some of those you meet on social media for Christ. Yes, a few may choose to reject you, but what about those who choose to remain your friends? Some (if not most) probably have never committed their lives to Christ; they may not even have thought much about God or what place He should have in their lives.

Ask God to give you wisdom to say the right thing at the right time, and to use your words to point others to the good news of Christ. God loves them just as much as He loves you, and Christ died for them just as much as He died for you. Don’t waste the opportunities God is giving you through these contacts.

I’m amazed at the new ways God has given us to proclaim the Gospel today, including the Internet. Like any other technology, it can be used for great evil, but it also can be used for great good. The Bible says, “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (Revelation 3:8).

Read more: 3 Keys to Sharing Your Faith