Do you think our nation really learned anything from the attacks 10 years ago on 9/11?


Do you think our nation really learned anything from the attacks 10 years ago on 9/11? I thought then that they might make us turn to God, but I wonder now if we've slipped back into our old ways and decided we can get along without Him.


Generations from now, our nation will still recall the horror and sadness of that day, and I pray its lessons will never be lost on us. And certainly one of its lessons is that we need to turn to God in repentance and faith, and find our security and hope in Him.

You are right: The tragedy on 9/11 caused many people to stop and realize their need of God. Men and women unashamedly wept over what had taken place, and perhaps for the first time in their lives they faced their spiritual emptiness, and sensed that only God could give us hope for the future. In the face of an evil foe, our nation sought comfort in prayer, and in the promises of God’s Word. The Bible says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).

Have we forgotten our need for God’s protection and strength? Have we turned once again to our own wisdom and resources, instead of trusting God’s wisdom and guidance? I have no doubt that many found a lasting faith during those days — but I also fear that as a whole our nation has turned away from God and gone back to “business as usual.”

Pray for our nation and its leaders as we remember the sacrifice of so many on that sad day 10 years ago. And pray too that Christ may be the foundation of your life, no matter what the future holds.