Despite our failings, God never gives up on us!


I know you believe God loves us, but why should He? After all, the human race certainly isn't very lovable—not if you read the headlines or look at the way most people live. If I were God, I think I'd just give up on us.


If God looked at us the same way we look at other people, then you’d be right: there’s no logical reason why God should love us. Yes, some people are likeable, but others are very hard to like, and we certainly don’t look on them as lovable.

But God isn’t like we are! He sees all the sin and rebellion that go on in our lives, and yet He still loves us. That doesn’t mean He isn’t concerned about the sins we commit, because He is. But one reason He hates sin is because He knows the damage it causes in our lives—and that grieves Him, because He loves us. Some of the most sobering words in all the Bible are these: “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

Think of it: if God didn’t love us, He wouldn’t want us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. But He does, and that’s why He sent Jesus Christ into the world. By His death on the cross Christ became the final and complete sacrifice for our sins, and by His resurrection from the dead He opened heaven’s door to all who come to Him in repentance and faith.

Don’t go through life wondering if God loves you—because He does. By faith, turn to Christ and welcome Him into your life today. The Bible’s promise is for you: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

God hasn’t given up on you. Make Him part of your life today.