I heard from a religious friend of mine that Jesus is going to come back to earth someday. But how will we know if He does? Maybe He'll be born in some remote part of the world and we'll never even hear about Him.
When Jesus came into the world over 2,000 years ago, He was born in an obscure village in an obscure corner of the Roman Empire — and almost no one heard about Him until His followers began to take His message elsewhere.
But the second coming of Christ won’t be this way! When Christ comes again — as He repeatedly promised to do — He will come through the heavens with glory and power, accompanied by a host of angels. All the earth will see His coming, and even His enemies will realize they have been opposing the Son of God. The Bible says, “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him…. So shall it be!” (Revelation 1:7).
We can barely imagine this, of course, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen! And when Christ returns, He will destroy all evil and rule the world in perfect righteousness and justice. This is why the Bible calls His return “the blessed hope — the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).
The real issue, however, is this: Are you ready for that day? If Christ were to return before you finished reading this column, would He find you unprepared and lacking in faith? Don’t ignore Him or push Him off into a corner, but put your faith and trust in Him. Then learn to walk with Him every day, so you may be found among those “who have longed for his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8).
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