Christ humbled himself so that we might 'become rich'


Why wasn't Jesus born into a wealthy, influential family, instead of an insignificant, poor one? Wouldn't people have paid more attention to Him, instead of rejecting Him and condemning Him to death?


God deliberately chose Mary to be the mother of His Son, and He also chose her husband Joseph to help raise Him. They were poor and insignificant people in the eyes of the world, but they were still God’s choice. The angel’s announcement to Mary made this clear: “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God” (Luke 1:30).

Why didn’t God send His Son into a family of great wealth and influence? The reason is because Jesus Christ came into the world to save all kinds of people –rich and poor, influential and insignificant, brilliant and ordinary. He did this by setting aside heaven’s glory, and humbly identifying Himself with our suffering and sin. The Bible says, “Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).

Would people have listened to Him more if He had been born into a wealthy or powerful family? I seriously doubt it. “What does He know about our struggles and heartaches (they might have asked)? What does He know about our fears and feelings? What has He sacrificed for us?”

The real question, however, is this: How have you responded to Jesus? Have you turned your back on Him (as many did then, and still do)? Or have you come to see Him as He really is: the divine Son of God, sent from Heaven to save us from our sins? You cannot remain neutral about Him –and my prayer is that you will welcome Him into your life today.

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