Can God forgive serial killers?


Some of us were talking about serial killers, and the question came up about whether or not God could forgive them. Most of us felt it wouldn't be right for them to go to heaven like everyone else, but what would you say?


Human life is sacred in God’s eyes, and deliberately murdering someone is a terrible act—so terrible that the Old Testament decreed the murderer must pay for it with his life. One of the Ten Commandments declares, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13).

The amazing thing, however, is that God can forgive anyone who truly repents and puts their faith and trust in Christ for their salvation—even a murderer! Do you remember the Apostle Paul’s background? At one time, he hated Christians and was responsible for the death of some of them: “When the blood of your martyr Stephen was shed, I stood there giving my approval” (Acts 22:20). And yet when Paul gave his life to Christ, God forgave him and used him to spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire.

Never forget: None of us deserves God’s forgiveness and salvation. No matter who we are, the Bible says we all have sinned, and we all deserve only God’s judgment. But the good news is this: God loves us, and Christ came into the world to save us. When we repent of our sins and receive Him into our hearts, God has promised to forgive us—completely and fully.

Have you made your peace with God? Have you turned in faith to Christ and committed your life to Him? Don’t trust in your own goodness for your salvation, but trust Christ and what He did on the cross for you. Make your commitment to Him today.