As We Celebrate Today, We Should Also Thank God for His Blessings


I've come to the conclusion that our nation has become so immoral and godless that we can only expect God to judge us. It happened to nations in Old Testament times, so why not now?


Today, millions of Americans will be celebrating the birth of our nation and the signing of the Declaration of Independence 239 years ago. The courage and vision of those patriots who gave us our freedom must never fade from our memories.

In the midst of our picnics and parades and fireworks, may we also pause on this July 4th to thank God for the countless ways He has blessed us as a nation over the years — far beyond what we deserve. Not only did He give us almost boundless resources and provide us with the energy and ingenuity of waves of new citizens, but He also enabled us to have a system of government that has kept tyranny at bay and given hope to nations across the globe. I’m often reminded of the Psalmist’s words: “Blessed is the people whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15).

What does this have to do with your question? Simply this: God has blessed us in the past, but what if we forget Him? What if we turn our backs on Him and lose sight of our dependence on Him? Then you’re right: God’s judgment could fall on us. It might be something sudden; it might simply be a slow withdrawal of His blessing and protection.

As we reflect today on God’s goodness to us, may we also repent of our sins as a nation, and rededicate ourselves to the God who loves us and watches over us. “For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face” (Psalm 11:7).

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