Are you still involved in preaching? I hope you are. I went to one of your crusades many years ago, and it really changed my life.


Are you still involved in preaching? I hope you are. I went to one of your crusades many years ago, and it really changed my life.


I’m thankful your life was touched through one of our meetings—but Christ alone deserves the glory for that, not us. I pray God will continue to work in your life and change you by His Spirit. The Bible says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!” (2 Peter 3:18).

Yes, I continue to preach, and will continue to do so as long as God gives me strength. In fact, shortly before I received your letter we were in the Los Angeles area for a major series of meetings in Pasadena’s Rose Bowl. Tens of thousands of people attended that mission each night. Many thousands indicated their commitment to Jesus Christ—including large numbers of young people. We thank God for the way He worked during those days.

Please pray for us as we consider other invitations to proclaim the Gospel. Pray too for our organization, and especially for my son Franklin as he brings the good news of Jesus Christ to many cities across the world with great effectiveness.

Christ’s command to preach the Gospel to every creature has never been withdrawn, and the need is greater today than ever. We must seize every opportunity, for we do not know how long we may have. Jesus said, “As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4). This is true not only for us, but for every person who seeks to follow Christ—including you.