Are You Sharing Your Spiritual Gifts?


Do you have to be a preacher before you can serve God? I hope not, because I don't have any special talents or anything, and yet I don't want to be useless in God's eyes.


God certainly calls some people to be preachers, but He uses all kinds of people with all kinds of abilities to get His work done. No Christian should ever feel useless in God’s eyes, including you!

In fact, the Bible says that God has given at least one spiritual gift or ability to every believer. Some may seem very ordinary or insignificant to you, but they aren’t, because every talent is important in God’s work. God’s purpose is to strengthen His people so they can serve Him and share Christ’s love with a lost and confused world, and we each have a part in that great task. As the Bible says, “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27).

Ask God to help you discover whatever spiritual gifts He has given you, and then put them into action. No, you may not be called to be a preacher or Bible teacher; few are. But the Bible lists many other gifts God has given to His people, such as encouraging others, showing mercy, sharing with people in need, and so forth. The Bible says, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us” (Romans 12:6).

All around you are people who need your help, even if it’s only an act of kindness or a friendly word of encouragement. Not only will you help them, but God will also use you to point them to the only One who can give them lasting hope and peace: Jesus Christ.

Sharing your faith is easier than you think.