An acquaintance of mine claims to be a Christian, but he's very prejudiced against other ethnic groups. How can he feel this way and still be a Christian?


An acquaintance of mine at work claims to be a Christian, but he's very prejudiced against people of other ethnic groups. How can he feel this way and still be a Christian? I thought Christians were supposed to love others, even if they didn't agree with them.


Racial or ethnic prejudice is a sin in the eyes of God, and no Christian should allow his or her heart to be filled with prejudice. Prejudice and hate go hand-in-hand, and hate is the opposite of Christ’s love.

Why is prejudice wrong? One reason is because God created the whole human race, and every human being bears something of His image. The Bible says, “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth” (Acts 17:26). When we hate someone or dismiss them as unworthy of our concern, we are refusing to see them the way God sees them.

But prejudice is also wrong because Christ died for people from all races and all backgrounds–and He did so because He loves them all. How can we do any less? The Bible tells us that Christ will be praised in heaven, “because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9).

Only God knows your acquaintance’s heart, and whether or not he has truly given his life to Christ. But don’t let his inconsistency keep you from giving your own life to Jesus. God loves you; He loves you so much that Christ was willing to die for you. Don’t turn your back on His love, but by faith open your heart to Christ and yield your life to Him today.