All my life I've been searching for someone who will love me.


All my life I've been searching for someone who will love me. But I always seem to fall for men who say they love me, but end up using me and then dropping me. Why can't I get it right?


We all want to be loved, and we all want to love in return—and there’s nothing wrong with that, because God gave us the ability to love. The Bible says, “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Think of it: Love is a gift from God!

But when we misuse that gift it becomes destructive, and I fear that’s happened to you. True love isn’t just interested in what someone will give me; instead, it seeks to help them and serve them. Sadly, however, love easily becomes selfish and twisted, and instead of being beautiful and joyous, it becomes ugly and hurtful.

The greatest discovery you’ll ever make is that God loves you and wants you to become part of His family. You are very valuable to Him—so valuable that His only Son was willing to give His life for you. Don’t stay on the road you’ve been on; it will never bring you happiness. Instead, by a simple prayer of faith confess your sins to God and ask Jesus to come into your heart and put your life on a new path—His path.

Then ask God to help you to make right decisions about your future, and to avoid old friends who will tempt you to do wrong. The Bible says, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character'” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Ask Him also to lead you to a church where you can grow in your faith, and also meet people who will love and encourage you.

God loves you completely and unconditionally. Read more.