All my friends think I've got it together, but down inside I know I don't.


All my friends think I've got it together, but down inside I know I don't. I ought to be content because I've achieved almost everything I ever wanted. But I'm still empty inside and don't have any peace. What's wrong with me? Maybe I need God.


I’m thankful you’re thinking this way — because you’re right: You do need God. God created us, and wants us to have a close relationship with Him — but when we’re separated from Him, our lives are unfulfilled and our hearts are empty.

Almost 3,000 years ago, a very powerful and wealthy king had similar feelings. His name was Solomon, and he spent most of his life pursuing all kinds of projects and pleasures. But when he examined himself, he realized these hadn’t given him lasting peace: “When I surveyed all that my hands had done… everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:11).

Only later, when he put God at the center of his life, did he experience true peace. And this can be your experience, as well. By nature we are separated from God because we have sinned and chosen to go our own way. But God still loves us and yearns for us to come back to Him. He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for us and bring us back to God.

By a simple but sincere prayer of faith tell God you know you need Him, and then ask Christ to come into your life. Then learn to walk with Him as your friend every day, as you speak to Him in prayer and listen to Him through His Word, the Bible, and also learn about Him through fellowship with other believers.