A friend of ours invited us to her church, and the speaker spent most of his time telling why their denomination was right. Do you think he should have done that?


A friend of ours invited us to her church for a special lecture, and we were surprised because the speaker spent most of his time telling why their denomination was right and everyone else was wrong. Do you think he should have done that? It upset us, although we didn't tell our friend.


I’m sorry your experience with this particular church was so disappointing. Elsewhere in your letter, you mention that you and your husband didn’t grow up in religious families, but are now interested in finding a church home. I hope this experience won’t discourage you.

A healthy church will help you grow spiritually; that’s one reason why I always urge new believers to seek out a church where the Bible is preached and taught, and they can become stronger in their faith. The Bible says, “Let us not give up meeting together … but let us encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:25). The psalmist declared, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord'” (Psalm 122:1). Church shouldn’t be just a social club but a place where we draw closer to God.

However, no church or denomination is perfect. Someone has said that if you ever found a perfect church, it would become imperfect the minute you joined it! God has His people in many churches and denominations, and I cannot agree with those who condemn all churches but their own. All true believers affirm the basic truths of the Gospel, regardless of their denomination.

Ask God to lead you to the church He has for you. But more than that, turn to Christ right now and ask Him to come into your lives. He is the center and foundation of our faith.