
Billy Graham on Worry

What if you could easily transfer worry out of your heart? Billy Graham said you can with prayer. “Through Jesus Christ, we can have the most fundamental relationship in life restored. Let Him bear your burdens, help you solve your problems, help direct and lead you in your life.”   God loves you with an …

Where Is Your Treasure?

Many young people are building their lives on the rock of materialism. I find across the country a deep economic discontent among people in every walk of life. People want more and more things. They forget that we are enjoying the highest standard of living the world has ever known. We still have poverty, and …

We Cannot Out-Give God

We are to be stewards of our money. When it is invested and shared for the glory of God, it can be a boon and a blessing. I know a businessman in Detroit, Michigan, who made a promise to God that he would tithe his entire income to the work of the Lord. He said …

Where is Your Treasure?

Tell me what you think about money, and I will tell you what you think about God, for these two are closely related. A man’s heart is closer to his wallet than anything else. It is a staggering fact that for the past few years people have spent ten times as much for luxuries and …

True Happiness

It is not wrong for men to possess riches. But the Bible warns that money cannot buy happiness! Money cannot buy true pleasure. Money cannot buy peace of heart. And money certainly cannot buy entrance into the Kingdom of God. Often money is a hindrance to these things. Money takes our minds off God. Riches, …